Customers today are on mobile for a large part of their digital experience. More searches today take place on mobile. Compared to desktop, mobile devices now account for 65 percent of all digital time spent. All content produced should serve the needs of customers on these devices through responsive web design, fast mobile load times, page navigation and layouts that reflect the needs of mobile users. Focus on building trust as opposed to trying to bend and break the rules. That way, you rise above Google's often-changing rules which are getting better and better at finding people who are looking for shortcuts. Content creation and distribution is essential for SEO. Content is about much more than what's on your website. It's necessary to build your online real estate and create content that will improve visibility across the web. An SEO campaign without content is severely limited. It’s also important to know what kinds of link-building strategies to avoid, so that you don’t waste your valuable time and effort doing something that can make Google sandbox your site (remove it from their search engine).

Have you thought about optimizing your TF-IDF scores?

How bad hosting can lead to losing SEO rankings Downtime of your website can lead to vastly decreased performance in organic search. Sitelinks are additional links which appear beneath the main URL for a brand or publisher when you search for it on Google. They deep link to other pages within your site, and are designed by Google to “help users navigate your site”. Keyword research is the process SEOs use to find what search queries consumers enter into a search engine for a given topic. You will find that there are a number of different ways to do keyword research, but there is no single “right” way. It will vary based on your industry, budget, and goals. Part of the reason data and research work well as cornerstone content is because they’re versatile. You can repurpose your original research into all the other types of content.

Use Capital Letters To Highlight Keywords

For many content marketers, organic traffic earned through SEO is like a holiday bonus: It’s cool if it happens, but no one is planning their monthly budget around it. Many webmasters see Panda as a type of Google penalty—but it's not, really. Panda is a collection of measurements Google is taking of your web pages to try and give your pages a rating on how happy users are likely to be with those pages. Google only show sitelinks for results when they think they’ll be useful to the user. If the structure of your site doesn’t allow Google's algorithms to find good sitelinks, or they don’t think that the sitelinks for your site are relevant for the user’s query, Google won’t show them. Using your focus keyword in the headline can also be a good idea, but don’t try too hard to include it. Use power words and avoid redundancy to create a clear and appealing result. Aim for a headline of 55-60 characters, as this is what Google will display on the SERP.

It’s time to revolutionize our approach to content curation

Understanding and recognizing how PageRank flows can make a difference in your SEO campaigns. The difference in many cases will be small, but in a competitive environment, every advantage counts. Acquiring new and relevant links can be tricky, but it can be one of your most important SEO goals. Earning those premium links takes a lot of work and it’s worth it. Besides looking for established companies and Internet presences to learn from, you can also pick up some good tips and quick information from up and coming companies that are suddenly doing well in the rankings. Gaz Hall, an SEO Expert from the UK, said: "Gone are the days of keyword stuffing. Sentences actually need to make sense now. Optimise your website by ensuring that any published content is easy to read and digest. Natural keyword inclusion is acceptable, but make the readers your first priority, not the keywords."

The length of your title tag matters because it affects how much of your title is visible in search results

Find out who your customers are and what words they use to describe your product, because people will use the same terms to find your website. Using these terms, often made into long-tail keywords, can really help you optimize your local business SEO. It’s a new era for SEO, an era where you can no longer keyword-stuff your way to search ranking success. Nowadays, if Google finds out that you are blatantly overusing (or hiding) keywords on your site, your credibility (and rankings) could take a serious hit. However, this doesn’t mean that keywords are totally irrelevant. In fact, if you’re doing what Google wants you to do (creating high-quality content), keywords will work there way naturally into your website’s pages. Some of the pages on your website might not be linked to any other page. These are referred to as “orphaned pages,” and if a bot finds such a page, it is forced to abort the crawl since bots can only move from link to link. In order to write the best article about a specific subject, do your research and check what articles are already ranking high in Google, for your keywords.