After the work to check the technical and on-page elements of a site, earning attention, and the links they bring, is a key part of most SEO campaigns. If you’re going to change a URL, but you don’t want its link juice to disappear, you can use a 301 redirect. A 301 will pass a majority of the link juice. If you were to build a house and the foundation was in terrible condition, you’d have a lot of issues, regardless of how nice you decorated the interior. The same is true for SEO. You need to have a great foundation on your website. If you think about it, having a Google Search Console, a Google My Business panel and a G+ account gives your site good representation across a variety of Google’s products, which can’t hurt your discoverability.

Asking your suppliers to provide a link to your site, using local chambers of commerce and guest posting on industry relevant blogs are all strategies that we’d recommend if you’re looking to gain more backlinks for your business.

If you optimize your meta descriptions with clear and attractive extracts on what potential visitors can find on your site, it becomes easier for them to see if the information they’re looking for is on that page. Social signals aren’t an important part of the Google algorithm. But social shares on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ may give you an indirect rankings boost. Link building helps your content reach a broader audience, increasing both your site’s visibility and its authority. Moreover, it can grow your search traffic, as the number of unique domains linking to your site helps search engines understand whether your content is informative enough to rank higher in the SERP. Search engine optimization is a set of best practices that cater to both Google’s algorithm and the user experience. The ranking factors that play into Google algorithm have various weights and importance, and the algorithm constantly changes.

Let the world know you are creating excellent content

Visual content has become very popular on the internet due to our own ability to process an image faster than any written text. This wins the first impression and it can be very powerful within the context of a page. You can also use Fetch as Google within the Crawl section of Google Search Console to render your site the way Google sees it on different mobile devices. Fully optimizing for user intent requires an understanding of how your potential customers buy via your inbound marketing channels. As a result, make sure that you have identified these sales funnels as they are crucial for capitalizing on optimizing your website for user intent in search. Having an appropriate title will increase traffic to your site. The placement of keywords in your title has a huge impact on determining where a search engine will place your site. The page’s title should include some of your site’s keywords to increase your ranking in the search engines.

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

Don’t forget to tell Google your site is mobile-proof. You can add a viewport declaration – if you’re using responsive design – or a Vary header when using dynamic serving. Long tail keywords are essentially longer more specific keywords that tie in directly to your content. For example, if you are selling woman’s shoes on your eCommerce website. The main keywords would likely be: “ladies shoes”, “woman’s shoes”, “girls shoes” and other similar words. Don’t try to improve your website’s reputation by buying links or deliberately sharing links. Google has become very good at detecting these types of manipulative measures. It means that you risk falling heavily down in the rankings and it can destroy much of what you have spent time and money on creating. Gaz Hall, from SEO Hull, had the following to say: "You want people to subscribe to your blog by providing you an email address. You can then market to them with your newer blog posts, content offers or sales. Just make sure not to spam them; no one wants to receive an email every day pushing a purchase."

Use quality hosting and CDN

Internal linking is one of the few methods we can use to tell Google (and visitors) that a particular page of content is important. So how should you go about linking internally to other pages of your website?2 The problem with directories: A good directory’s intent is to categorize the internet into different categories/subcategories, while providing links to good websites in those categories. Although there are legitimate directory websites, many were built solely for the purpose of building links back to webpages without consideration of link quality. This is the wrong way to build links. The number and quality of links to your website are quite important to Google and other search engines for your rank on different terms. You should aim to increase inbound links from sites of the same country. Get sites in the UK to link to your extension, sites in Ireland to link to your .ie extension, etc. Many SEO experts agree that a website's inbound links will be crucial this year, with many contending that there importance will increase as search engine algorithms increase their attention on penalizing poor links.