Organic results are listings of web pages that appear as a result of the search engine’s algorithm and the content itself. Instead of looking for one-off guest blogging opportunities the entire time, look for opportunities that could win you regular contributions to a single blog or your own column. These links look very natural, you can get multiple high quality links a month, and if the blog has a decent audience, you'll send a bit of traffic through those links too. Today, the secret to SEO is no secret at all. It's common sense. Brands that rank high on search engines have great content, address their target audience's search intent, and take the time to optimize their sites from a technology standpoint. In the same way that it takes time to improve your SEO rankings with improvements built up over time, the reverse is true for when you stop optimising your website. At first, your rankings will continue as before but over time you’ll notice that your website rankings will start to drop. Algorithm updates, competitor improvements and loss of links will all negatively impact on your rankings and put you back to square one.

Comment links for SEO

Most companies use SEO to increase website traffic, which in turn, increases revenue. Make sure that your website is structured in a way that is friendly to search engines. If it’s tough for a search engine to crawl your site and index everything properly, you won’t get the SEO love that you deserve. Google defines duplicate content as large blocks of text used across multiple pages, or even other websites, that are exactly the same or very similar. Simply put, you don’t want to use large blocks of the same text on more than one page of your website. Building backlinks involves great time and effort because you have to target your niche to build those links. The most of the your links are dofollow backlinks because of SEO reasons. To get traffic on your website, get a mix of both dofollow and nofollow links. Just remember do not link to bad sites or else all your pains will go waste.

Low hanging backlink fruit

Remember any additional traffic is typically good for your website ranking, so getting people to visit is the most important thing. To offer the best possible results, search engines must attempt to discover all the public pages on the World Wide Web and then present the ones that best match up with the user’s search query. Share your good posts. Educate those in your circle. Solve their problem and encourage them to leave a comment on your campaign. Often, the best SEO strategy is to focus on long tail terms—search terms that are highly specific, relevant, and with strong buying intent.

Include media on your website

A website redesign presents the perfect opportunity for you to analyze your backlinks and remove the shady ones. If you use Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll see a “manual penalty” appear if Google detects one of these low-quality links. You’ll then have the option to make such links “no follows” so Google stops paying attention to them. If you optimize your meta descriptions with clear and attractive extracts on what potential visitors can find on your site, it becomes easier for them to see if the information they’re looking for is on that page. Record any results that appear to be effective, and re-test them on other domains or with other terms. If several tests consistently return the same results, chances are you’ve discovered a pattern that is used by the search engines. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "Outbound links to related pages helps Google figure out your page’s topic. It also shows Google that your page is a hub of quality info."

Chase down citations and local links

Google is acutely concerned about the user's experience. It has been for a long time and this is nothing new. An organic search strategy that involves a dedicated consumer focused approach is highly recommended. This entails total brand presence and not just keywords, understanding customer behavior, consumption preferences, needs and conversion paths. Basically, if search engines don’t understand your pages, those pages will fall out of the index and drop all of their traffic. The online audience has evolved and expectations are high. They are mobile, they are time poor and they live in a world where sharing ideas and content on social networks is just a natural part of consuming online content.