So one of the best long-term marketing tactics is regularly publishing content on your site. Develop an editorial calendar and create a plan to consistently publish new evergreen content if you want to create long-term value for your website. It’s not that keyword text doesn’t matter, but starting with a focused content strategy will help you identify audiences and topics that should guide your keyword selection. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a term that gets thrown around a lot. It is no longer a hip, mysterious thing. Many people know what it is and numerous large companies already have a well-developed SEO strategy in place. People really love to check their search rankings. Many companies want to use this as a measurement of SEO progress over time, but it is a bit problematic, for a variety of reasons.

Leave comments on relevant websites and blogs

Prove that you are trustworthy by connecting as closely as possible to high authority sites. Use structured data to further explain your topics. Because they’re so often avoided by using them you can access potential customers you would otherwise never attract. So if you want to build an effective SEO strategy make sure you research long tail keywords carefully. It’s all about website analytics — a powerful tool that gives you a full-picture analysis of how your website is doing online, and insight into areas that can use improvement. Services like Google Analytics give you a full-picture view of your site’s success with detailed statistics about a website’s traffic, visitors, conversions and sales. Use description meta tags to provide both search engines and users with a summary of what your page is about!

How can cross linking help your website visitors?

SEO – an acronym that can strike fear into website owners! Why? Because having an attractive website is just a first step. Beauty is, as they say, in the eye of the beholder and your visitors will be looking for an attractive and informative web site. Search Engines, however look for different things. It’s clear that there is a link between the websites which rank highly for a certain keyword and whether or not that keyword appears in its URL. However, this is unlikely to be the only factor that determines whether or not a site can rank well. Most SEOs would agree that Google’s SERP features can be a double-edged sword. They can significantly cut into your site traffic if you aren’t featured in one, or they can result in a welcome boost if you are. Higher rankings in the first few results are critical to visibility.

SEO on-page best practice

If a blog or web site doesn’t use the NoFollow tag, the search engines acknowledge the link; if a site does use the NoFollow tag, the search engines do not acknowledge the link. The rank is the position that your website occupies in the SERPs for particular searches. Your rank is an indicator of how relevant your website is for a search term from the search engine’s perspective, and what authority it has. The basic premise is that a page will show up in search engine results because the website had mentioned the terms that were being searched for on the website page. Of course, many websites use the same keywords on the same page. According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "If nobody has heard of your brand or company name (and it’s not part of the important keyword phrases) put it at the end of the title tag."

Answer that ‘one’ question

Without on page optimization of your content which talks about your website, there will be less chances of your website getting authority leading to, you missing out on traffic. If you lack on-page optimization, there are less chances of you getting notice, which will again lead to low conversion rate. More and more we are seeing the use of keyword clustering from sites that are making it beyond the scope of mediocre search results and traffic margins. It doesn’t take hundreds to see the needle move, especially with Google’s ever-improving ability to detect low quality and manipulative links. We know consumers want personal interactions with brands, but they also want them in real time