80% of traffic to a website begins with a search query and 60% of clicks (to a site) are generated by the top 3 search results (on the search engine result page). People love to browse through a clearance section for bargains. You could include overstocked items or products nearing the end of their buying season. A dollar section for low priced merchandise can generate a lot of sales, especially if your website offers pop up suggestions for related items from your store. The customers will feel like they are getting a great deal and you will get more sales. Search engine optimisation (SEO) refers to the efforts required to ensure your website is discoverable by search engines and in turn, your target customers. The better optimised your website is for search engines like Google, the greater chance you have of ranking for keywords or search queries that your customers are searching for. The main goal of SEO is to increase your search visibility and your organic (free) traffic. It’s all very well to know what problems you can look for and fix to improve the stability of your rankings. However, as with everything, prevention is better than cure. Once you’ve identified and fixed the SEO elements causing your problems, whether they are issues described in this post or otherwise, you owe it to yourself and your business to create a proper SEO plan for your website.

Limit your searches to a specific high level domain

The other point that has become increasingly important is that relevant anchor text should be used in links. This applies not just to external links pointing into your site, but internal linkages throughout your Web site. Relevance versus authority: these two metrics are always at the forefront of a link builder’s mind. Write unique descriptions for every page of your website. In case you don’t know, each single page of your site stands on its own merits. Your website as a whole does not get ranked on Google. A handy thing to know when you are acquiring links from other sources is the difference between follow and nofollow links.

Focus on topic depth vs. backlinks

Effective Search Engine Optimisation is a time consuming task which requires experience and specialist skills. Many web site providers claim to provide a search engine optimisation service however extremely few UK websites are currently well optimised if their aim is to achieve page 1 SERPS. There are literally hundreds of factors that contribute to your final rankings. On top of that, it can be hard to determine what kinds of trends Google may associate with your chosen keywords. By limiting your SEO efforts to Google, you might be missing out on some great opportunities for small business growth. The link structure of the Web serves to bind together all of the pages that have been made public as a result of someone linking to them. Through links, search engines’ automated robots, called crawlers or spiders, can reach the many billions of interconnected documents.

Delete toxic links yourself

The Google-led open source project AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, has one goal: loading your pages as fast as possible While changing the URL and metadata for your content isn’t exactly using social to win at SEO, to us it’s all the same process. That’s because within our CMS we’ve created tools that set up SEO right from the Entry Editor — before the content is even published. In getting involved with SEO, you need to consider the fact that it is a full time job. It involves lots of things, in which you need to be alert for changes that may happen. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "SEO takes time, resources, and money if you outsource. You need to go into this journey expecting to spend time working on SEO for the long-term."

Invest in SEO

Ideally page titles should include the search term for which the website has been optimized. Keywords should never be used to try to trick or mislead human beings or Google spiders.. This means using keywords that do not exactly describe the contents of your page, repeating a keyword over and over in a way that in not natural (known as “keyword stuffing”) or using any other black hat SEO tactics (like keywords in a white font on a white background) are all off limits. Many businesses assume that they don’t need to worry about keyword research. They think they know what terms people use to find what they sell, and they also assume that Google understands the content on their website. This is incorrect on all counts. Social networks are an important source of traffic. Good content significantly raises the probability of the posts being frequently shared organically on social networks which helps you expand your reach. At the same time, you can also generate additional traffic through social channels. Social interactions are also registered by Google and can help the search engine review the relevance and quality of your content.