Long Tail SEO is a really useful technique to generate organic search traffic for your website. Figure out how you want to be known, and how you'd like to be found online. Include related keywords but make sure the writing isn't just about keywords. Then, write with a voice that's recognizable and consistent. The best key phrases would automatically fall into place naturally, as you write the article. And that’s what Google is looking for. Use description meta tags to provide both search engines and users with a summary of what your page is about!

Don;t forget to unblock search engines from crawling your site

Search Engine has become more smarter New Rules of SEO have been implemented or will soon be implemented—-It means old rules are of less use or outdated. It is necessary to understand and learn these new rules to maximize return on Investment on the biggest platform of the Universe—Google. Internal SEO isn’t just about keywords anymore; it’s about creating an authentic and engaging user experience. While variety is the spice of life, changing things up too much on your website won’t help it rank in search engines. Of course it’s important to regularly refresh and update your content—in fact, it’s vital, but making too many changes all at once will certainly impact ranking stability. Whenever a high authority blog links to your website, Google considers it as a positive signal toward your blog. Your blog becomes more important and it gives your site a boost in search rankings. The more backlinks you have, the higher you rank on Google Search.

Optimising Your Website is Not A Guaranteed Traffic Generator

On Page, optimisation is the most important part of SEO. You can increase website traffic, leads, and sales, by doing better On Page SEO on the website. Instead of looking for one-off guest blogging opportunities the entire time, look for opportunities that could win you regular contributions to a single blog or your own column. These links look very natural, you can get multiple high quality links a month, and if the blog has a decent audience, you'll send a bit of traffic through those links too. Don’t duplicate title tags across your website, as this can negatively impact your visibility Use facts, figures and dates whenever possible. People love comparisons and making the best comparisons usually requires coming up with some solid proof.

Google’s algorithms react much faster to your changes today

In addition to the actual text on your web pages, search engines also examine their structure, the use of keywords in your URLs, the formatting of the page (such as the use of bold font), and which keywords appear in the title and in the body of the text. Remember, Google doesn’t like content written for SEO purposes. You should use large header tags and take advantage of CSS to alter these to fit into the style and colour scheme of your page. If you are using software such as Microsoft SharePoint Designer/FrontPage or Adobe Dreamweaver for example, these CSS details are created automatically for you. A solution which is also perhaps advisable is to make your CSS an external file; this way there is no need to repeat all of your CSS statements on each page, but simply just one. Gaz Hall, from SEO Hull, had the following to say: "Needless to say, the number of individual domains referring to your website is an important factor in Google’s algorithm – but so is their authority."

Ensure each page has a unique target keyword

Over the years, SEOs have become really good at understanding keyword intent and segmenting the marketing strategy to match intent. Putting your individuality and personality across throughout the off-site SEO process (outreach emails, guest posts, social shares, etc.) makes others more likely to engage with you. Craft your unique selling proposition (USP) based on your own personality and the way you can best solve your customers’ problems. When optimizing for search traffic today, marketers can’t think just about rankings. They need to be holistic in their approach to the visibility and appearance of listings. Optimizing for local SEO means more than just making sure your location is clear. You can also use it to show opening hours, reviews and phone numbers (which smartphone users can click to instantly call).